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What happens to groups in specific places?

How is awareness encouraged?

How can people-place relationships be nurtured?















How can people-place relationships be nurtured?

lupineWhat do various professional disciplines know about the relationship of groups of people and place?
Identify disciplines (e.g. architecture, archaeology, psychology, sociology, medicine, theatre, dance, religion, spirituality, etc.). Arrange for method of learning, e.g. literature review, interviews by phone, gathering.

What is the relationship between people who steward a place (staff, owners, facilitators, etc.) and the place itself?
How is this relationship described? How can participants at a retreat gain access to the place through this relationship, e.g. having the owner/founder speak to the group about history of the place, intention, etc.? Identify and contact retreat sites and their stewards and interview them.

For communities of practice, such as the Art of Hosting community, what is the relationship between the place conversations are held in (around the world) and the quality and outcomes of the conversations? How might more conscious awareness of the place affect the process and achievement of the group’s intentions?
Process to be determined by community’s questions and processes of inquiry. Product of inquiry also to be determined by community for posting here as well as other venues.

How do practices of conscious land stewardship (e.g. zero waste, feeding the soil, permaculture) affect that community’s relationships with each other and their ability to perform their work in the world?Process to be determined by community’s questions and processes of inquiry. Product of inquiry also to be determined by community for posting here or in other venues.