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Quotations about Place that:

Inspire Us

Evoke a Larger Sense of Ourselves

Remind us to Care

Offer Hope

Prompt Creative Action

Nurture Transformation

Quotations About Place That Offer Hope

fern unfurling
photo by Amy Lenzo

“Ecologist and biologists know that systems achieve stability and health through diversity, not uniformity. Ideologies take the opposite view.”
~ Paul Hawken, Blessed Unrest


A landscape is a series of named locales, a set of relational places linked by paths, movements, and narratives. It is a cultural code for living…
~Christopher Tillev, A Phenomenology of Landscape


“The idea of a sacred place…is apparently as old as life itself.”
~Joseph Campbell, The Mythic Image


“The holes and tunnels of an old warren become smooth, reassuring and comfortable with use. There are no snags or rough corners…All the faults have been put right and everything in use is of proved value.”
~Richard Adams, Watership Down

“There is always in life a place to leave and a new place to find, and in between a zone of hesitation and uncertainty tinged with more or less intense anxiety.”
~Paul Tournier, A Place for You


“[The Timeless Way of Building ] is a process which brings order out of nothing but ourselves; it cannot be attained, but it will happen of its own accord, if we will only let it.”
~Christopher Alexander, The Timeless Way of Building


“People give pain, are callous and insensitive, empty and cruel…but place heals the hurt, soothes the outrage, fills the terrible vacuum that these human beings make.” ~Eudora Welty


“Everything is somewhere and in place.”


“Places remember events.”
~James Joyce, Notebook


“Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.”
~Robert Frost


“My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth.”
~Abraham Lincoln


“A nation of migrants always, for all their wanderings, remembers what every immigrant never forgets: that you may leave home but if you forget where home is, you are truly lost a without hope.”
~A. Bartlett Giamatti, Take Time for Paradise


“Heaven and earth determine the places. The holy sages fulfill the possibilities of the places. Through the thoughts of men and the thoughts of spirits, the people are enabled to participate in the possibilities.”
~The I Ching


“Great achievements, such as Angkor Wat or Chartres Cathedral give us a sense of the possible.”
~Thomas Bender


“Being place-based has never meant that one didn’t travel from time to time, going on trading ventures or taking livestock to summer grazing. Such working wanderers have always known they had a home-base on earth, and could prove it at any campfire or party by singing their own songs. The heart of a place is the home and the heart of the home is the fire pit, the hearth. You grow up speaking a home language.”
~Gary Snyder, Gary Snyder Reader